Bourn Hall IVF Clinics

In 1978, Louise Brown, the world’s first test tube baby was born following decades of pioneering by Bourn Clinic founders, Professor Robert Edwards and Dr Patrick Steptoe. Following this historic breakthrough, the world’s first IVF clinic was set up – Bourn Hall Clinic near Cambridge.

Today, Bourn Hall operate 6 clinics across the east of England, providing fertility support to thousands of couples a year.

Recognising Airwave’s expertise in the supply of content, not just in the UK, but across the globe, Bourn requested a suitable platform for the delivery of adult content – to be distributed from the head office, to each sample room at the individual sites.

Airwave implemented an Exterity IPTV headend with ‘director’ software, allowing Bourn to control, manage and deploy the required adult ‘video on demand’ content over a wide area network (WAN) to each of its six sites.